Education for critical conscience, now! 80:20 launches new 5-year strategic plan

27th February 2025

Bray, Co. Wicklow – 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World is thrilled to announce the launch of its new strategic plan for 2024-2028. This 5-year roadmap is designed to amplify the 80:20’s impact, foster partnerships, and drive meaningful change in human rights education and advocacy.

Through education, 80:20 envisions a world that is more equal, more just, and more sustainable. The organisation believes that a concept of human development rooted in an international human rights-based framework offers hope, dignity, and a strong foundation for building such a world.

Trustees of 80:20 launching the new strategic plan in Dublin. From left to right: Clodagh Lynam, Ana Maria Gergely, Valerie Lewis (centre), Sally-Anne Fisher and Siobhán Condron (other Trustees include Joe Conere and Kathryn Moore). Photo by Tony Daly/80:20

80:20 Chairperson Valerie Lewis emphasises the urgency of our times and highlights the importance of collaboration with stakeholders, members, teachers, educators, partners, and communities:

“Success is not a solitary endeavour – it is the result of shared aspirations and partnerships that transcend boundaries. We invite everyone to join us in continuing to Create, Educate, Communicate, Collaborate, and Grow, shaping a brighter, fairer world for all.”

80:20 aims to address the root causes of inequality and injustice through three key ingredients: Changing Narratives, Changing Systems, and Changing Culture.

The new strategic plan outlines a clear and actionable framework that will guide 80:20’s work over the next five years, advancing lifelong learning and contributing to a more just, equal, and sustainable world.

Our strategy is anchored in five strategic pillars:

  1. Create: High-quality, contemporary educational materials
  2. Educate: Deliver transformative learning opportunities
  3. Communicate: Engage audiences through creative and participatory approaches
  4. Collaborate: Build strong, values-driven partnerships
  5. Grow: Enhance professional and organisational development

Reflecting on Our Journey
Over the past 5 years we have seen the impact of our work through projects like Questions Matter, which received Best Community-Based Initiative at the 2024 Media Literacy Ireland Awards. Our “Big Decisions Take Big People” mural project with the Student Council of St. Cronan’s National School highlighted young voices advocating for diversity and inclusion. Additionally, we deepened our strategic partnership as the lead agency of the consortium.

Looking Ahead

As 80:20 strives to become one of Europe’s leading human rights education and global citizenship education organisations, this new strategic plan responds to urgent global challenges including the climate crisis, threats to democracy, shrinking civil society spaces, and inequalities in education.

“We are incredibly excited to launch our strategic plan,” said Tony Daly, Co-ordinator of 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World. “This plan is a testament to our unwavering commitment to human rights education and ‘educational activism’ initiatives that place practice and participation of learners and educators at the centre. We look forward to working with our partners and supporters, both new and old, to create a more just and equal world through education, collaboration, and solidarity.”