Consultancy Work

Commissions and consultancy work

As a small non-governmental organisation active at the interface of human rights, human development and education, a core characteristic of our work is working in partnership with others.

Quite often, a partnership begins out of a shared concern or challenge which stimulates a process to consider appropriate and innovative educational approaches or perspectives leading to collaborations developed ‘with’ rather than ‘for’ groups and organisations.

Our portfolio of consultancy work includes:

  • Research and evaluation
  • Publications development and design
  • Education project development, facilitation and training

Recent examples of our work are included below.

Research and evaluation

Conducting research work across a range of educational and community settings. These include research and evaluation work with community, youth and educational structures both locally and nationally.

80:20 is active across a range of research fora, including in the Ubuntu Network (assembly member), the Quality and Impact Working Group of the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) and the IDEA Baseline Data Project.

Publication development and design

From idea generation to design, 80:20 can prepare, pilot, design and support resource needs across a range of learning contexts including teacher and educator resources; Recent examples include:

  • Education Supplement / Malta / Is Malta Viable? Young People debate the issue, focuses on migration, climate change and sustainable development, both in the small island state of Malta as well as beyond Malta’s shores. 8-page supplement feature in the Sunday Times of Malta with SKOP Malta – the National Platform of Maltese Development NGOs (18th June, 2017)
  • Popular education / A ‘coffee-table’ booklet on the role of activism in everyday life, with Concern Worldwide (2015)
  • Infographic / Which kind of activist are you? with and Dóchas as part of the European Year for Development (2015)
  • Primary education / A primary education teacher resource encouraging students to explore the importance of trees and of forests in our daily lives. It also stimulates them to think about some of the consequences of the loss of forests and trees and how, each of us can contribute positively to sustainable development. on trees, consumption and sustainable development, with Just Forests (2012)
  • Popular education / An educational poster campaign and accompanying activities to encourage and support debate and discussion on Ireland’s role and place in international development, with the Irish Development Education Association and as part of the Act Now on 2015 campaign led by Dóchas
  • Youth work / VaryUs: Exploring Diversity and Interculturalism (2009) with the City of Dublin Youth Services Board (CDYSB)
  • Nonformal education / Lebanon / Biladi: Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon – a photopack (2006), with the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network and the Danish Institute for Human Rights

Project development, facilitation and training workshops

With experience in workshop design and development, art-based community projects design and delivery, we e-spoke educational workshops to support formal and non-formal learning environments, whether for ‘once off’ or as part of a series of workshops.

  • Facilitation / facilitation at youth conferences; conference input; ‘games’ development such as the E4C – Educating 4 Change youth camp held in Gozo, Malta (April 2017)
  • Public engagement project / Scotland / Just Scotland? A wee country’s response to global inequality and injustice (2014) in partnership with Christian Aid, Oxfam Scotland, SCIAF and the Conforti Institute
  • Higher education / stimulus workshops and conference inputs based on 80:20’s publications and work, such as human rights topics and educational challenges raised by the 7th edition of 80-20 Development in an Unequal World
  • Youth facilitation / Australia / Wings to Fly: Our World, Our Place, Our Future Kimberly Youth Forum (2009) with the Kimberly Institute, focusing on leadership, human rights and the position of Indigenous people in Australian society and the cultural and environmental consequences of sustainable development
  • Youth conferences / annual conference workshops on thematic issues with post primary students as part of the Challenge to Change network (a development education project for schools in the Presentation Network)
  • Joint education learning modules and courses / Zambia / to support popular education activities for use by facilitators and popular educators in community organisations addressing issues such as human rights, leadership, participatory education methodologies, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation, entrepreneurship, HIV and AIDS, youth and children.
  • Joint education learning modules and courses / Ireland / course development in the Graduate Diploma in Development Education (Mary Immaculate College, Ireland); introductory online guide for educators, Doing Development Education: ideas and resources – a starter guide (2015) with;