Meet the Team
- Tony Daly, Co-ordinator
- Catherine Howley, Digital Communications Officer
- Ciara Regan, Education and Research Officer
Our work is underpinned by a broad team of people involved in human rights projects and educational initiatives, which we are hugely grateful to, including Cait McCormack Una McGrath, Toni Pyke, Colm Regan and Pixelpress.
80:20 is governed by Trustees appointed to the Management Committee.
Volunteering and placements
From time to time, 80:20 runs placements and volunteer opportunities, for example, with transition year students and teachers in training. For queries and to register interest, contact us.
We owe a huge debt to the individuals and organisations that have supported our work directly and indirectly for many years.
In particular, our gratitude goes to the many wonderful people that have contributed their time, energy and more as part of 80:20’s placements and volunteering programme. Most recently, we’d like to thank Oluwanifemi (Niffy) Olamiju, Kai Evans, Gina Dorso, Aoife Mc Donald, Ghalya Farahat, Grace McManus, Peter Manning, Tara Hoskin, Rebecca Doolin and Sinead Garland.