Our Approach

80:20 plans and organises its work around a set of 7 Key Values

We see education as fundamental to human development and we promote educational values, principles and methods

We are concerned with the challenge of human development in all dimensions and promote development education as key to this. We understand development to mean human development and are particularly concerned with ‘Developing World’ realities and perspectives on this issue

Human Rights
We root our analysis in a human rights framework and thus, in our activities, publications and projects, we promote human rights values and instruments as well as perspectives

80:20 actively promotes an international perspective in all its work and, in particular, perspectives from the ‘Developing World’

We encourage ourselves and others to pose the question – what is fair/unfair and from what perspective

In its methodologies as well as perspectives, 80:20 actively promotes participation and ownership of the education and development agendas. Public ownership of the agenda is a fundamental 80:20 value.

80:20 sees education as a core action agenda item and encourages discussions and debate about the nature and ownership of action in response to inequalities and injustices.

Our projects have 3 objectives

  1. to build understanding
  2. to support popular education
  3. to promote active citizenship

80:20 believes in

  • using active and innovative educational methods
  • encouraging people to question and challenge their own preconceptions
  • building communities through education
  • linking local issues with international and ‘Third World’ issues
  • highlighting human values, human rights and human dignity

Images and Messages

80:20 has been an active supporter and is a signatory to the Dóchas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages. All of the charities that sign up to this code have a responsibility to uphold the values of human dignity, respect and equality in all their communications.

The three core values of the Dóchas Code are:

  1. Respect for the dignity of the people concerned;
  2. Belief in the equality of all people;
  3. Acceptance of the need to promote fairness, solidarity and justice.

Seven Guiding Principles

  1. Choose images and related messages based on values of respect equality, solidarity and justice;
  2. Truthfully represent any image or depicted situation both in its immediate and in its wider context so as to improve public understanding of the realities and complexities of development;
  3. Avoid images and messages that potentially stereotype, sensationalise or discriminate against people, situations or places;
  4. Use images, messages and case studies with the full understanding, participation and permission of the subjects (or subjects’ parents/guardian);
  5. Ensure those whose situation is being represented have the opportunity to communicate their stories themselves;
  6. Establish and record whether the subjects wish to be named or identifiable and always act accordingly;
  7. Conform to the highest standards in relation to human rights and protection of the vulnerable people.

As part of that commitment, and in order to ensure the Code can be implemented on a practical level within organisations, Signatories to the Code are asked to comply with eight internal adherence criteria.

Adherence Criteria

As part of that commitment, and in order to ensure the Code can be implemented on a practical level within organisations, Signatories to the Code are asked to comply with eight internal adherence criteria.

  1. Make reference to the Code on your main website by displaying the Code logo either on your “Homepage” or in your “About us” section;
  2. Make reference to the Code in your annual report
  3. Your Board sends an adherence confirmation letter  to Dóchas on an annual basis
  4. Appoint a Code Champion
  5. Put in place a training plan for staff, management and volunteers
  6. Provide explicit information on feedback mechanisms on website
  7. Your Board discusses Code compliance at least once in the past 12 months
  8. Develop a Code implementation plan

Feedback and complaints

If you would like further information about 80:20’s adherence to the Code, or have any feedback or concerns please email us.

If you feel that 80:20 is not adequately addressing your concerns, you can follow the Dóchas Complaints Mechanism.