Education for critical conscience, now! 80:20 launches new 5-year strategic plan

Bray, Co. Wicklow – 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World is thrilled to announce the launch of its new strategic plan for 2024-2028. This 5-year roadmap is designed to amplify the 80:20’s impact, foster partnerships, and drive meaningful change in human rights education and advocacy. Through education, 80:20 envisions a world that is […]
Become a trustee of 80:20

80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World is seeking individuals with proven knowledge and experience in several areas to join our growing Board of Trustees.
Questions Matter Adult Educators Conference 2023
Calling adult education practitioners! Grab a coffee, pastry and immerse yourself in a morning conference that will challenge the spread of misinformation using media literacy & microlearning in an increasingly polarised world.
Questions Matter – training session

Date: Tuesday 5th September 2023 Time: 10am – 3pm Venue: Bray Adult Learning Centre, 1 Brennan’s Parade, Bray, Co. Wicklow, A98 D9X0 For: Adult education and literacy tutors in the Wicklow & Kildare region Session led by: Bray Area Partnership, the Bray Adult Learning Centre and the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) and 80:20 Educating […]
Media Literacy Ireland’s resource of the month

Update: We made Resource of the Month!
Want to end the gender pay gap? Become a Procurement Officer! – posters

What can one person working in procurement really do to change ‘buying culture’ in a vastly unequal world? Quite a lot, actually. What’s going on in your supply chain, and what can you do about it? You may have heard about fairtrade, but what about unfair trade? Good value and value for procurement investments isn’t […]
Workshop 15th Feb: Catch Them If You Can

Join us for an interactive workshop to learn and co-collaborate and on designing responses to global finance and radical inequalities!
45% off – October back to school discount

The back to school discount applies to all resources/posters for the month of October.
Event: Launch of women’s rights poster series on International Women’s Day 8th March

Join us to launch the #OnThisDay Women’s Rights Are Human Rights poster series on International Women’s Day, 8th March 2019 in Bray Library, Bray, Co. Wicklow.
80:20 and Pres College Bray selected as finalist for the first United Nations SDG Action Awards

The Awards recognize the most outstanding and innovative efforts to inspire action on the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of goals adopted by countries to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda.