Media Literacy Ireland’s resource of the month

Resource of the month update!

Facts Matter was announced as Media Literacy Ireland’s resource of the month in February 2023 – great news!

Facts Matter: A Guide to Building Critical Media Literacy in Today’s World was co-published with the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) and includes 10 lessons, 30 activities, 19 handouts and 14 worksheets.

For more, check out the project on MLI and check out the MLI website – a key platform for media literacy stakeholders across Ireland.

Press release: Supporting adults to think critically, check facts and tackle misinformation

The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) and 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World launch Facts Matter: A Guide to Building Critical Media Literacy in Today’s World, Ireland’s first guide for adult literacy tutors on building critical media literacy for adults, supported in its development by Irish Aid.

Launched as part of the UN International Day for Universal Access to Information, access to reliable information is a right, not a privilege. It is an essential part of holding governments and public bodes accountable for their decisions and actions on health issues, climate change and more, particularly during an era where we are bombarded everyday by information, a lot of which is false or misleading – this is often called an ‘infodemic’.

This an introductory guide for adult literacy and adult education practitioners who wish to build their students’ knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence in critical thinking, media and digital literacy. It consists of 10 session outlines along with handouts and worksheets and lists of resources.

Colleen Dube, Chief Executive Officer, NALA commented: “There is so much information available at our fingertips right now, a lot of which is false or misleading. We require skills to work out if what we are reading or hearing is true or false. This means taking the time to find reliable and accurate information, question the role of information and look at what can I do.  Today we are delighted to launch the Facts Matter tutor guide with our partners 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World. This guide will support adult literacy and adult education practitioners to support students to enhance their critical thinking, media and digital citizenship skills.”

Tony Daly, Co-ordinator of 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, said: “Media literacy is not confined to ‘reading’ the news; it is also about practice and producing your own responses. We must keep questioning and remember to stop, think and check before we believe or share. We know facts and truth matter if we want to build a better society and a better world.  The Facts Matter tutor guide will support adult literacy tutors to explore what it means to live in an increasingly unequal world and to invite students to question and challenge this.”


Notes to Editors

About NALA:

The National Adult Literacy Agency is an independent charity committed to making sure people with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs can fully take part in society and have access to literacy learning opportunities that meet their needs. NALA promotes media literacy

About 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World:

80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World is a non-governmental organisation that promotes popular education on human development and human rights through education & action projects, research and partnership work. 80:20 believes in using education to enable people to change their world for the better.

  • NALA and 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World are members of Media Literacy Ireland, an independent association of members committed to promotion of media literacy across Ireland.

80:20 joins The People’s Vaccine Alliance Ireland

“The fairest and most effective way to end this pandemic is to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to COVID-19 vaccines, tests and treatments. But pharmaceutical company monopolies could leave countries in the global south waiting until 2023 for widespread vaccination. This leaves us all in danger from new variants which may make current vaccines ineffective.”

Last month on the 8th July, 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World joined the launch of The People’s Vaccine Alliance Ireland.

The campaign is based on four immediate realities in 2021:

  1. The science is clear: The fairest and most effective way to end this pandemic is to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to COVID-19 vaccines.
  2. Global access to COVID-19 vaccines is also in our self-interest as ongoing outbreaks anywhere mean greater risk of new variants developing against which our vaccines may not be effective.
  3. There simply is no way to defeat COVID-19 in Ireland without united action worldwide. But pharmaceutical company monopolies could leave countries in the global south waiting until 2023 for widespread vaccination and this is where we would ask for your support.
  4. In order to produce sufficient vaccines for everyone globally, we need to greatly increase manufacturing capacity and all suitably qualified vaccine manufacturers must be permitted to produce vaccines free from patents and pharmaceutical companies must agree to share their know-how. We need a People’s Vaccine.

As a member of the Alliance and as a development and human rights education NGO, 80:20 will continue to challenge the fault lines of inequalities amplified under a global pandemic through our education and action work.

For more, check out the The People’s Vaccine Alliance Ireland. campaign pages and the Covid-19 Dashboard on

If interested in following up with us, drop us a line.

Valerie Lewis announced as chairperson of 80:20

Valerie was appointed on July 1st, 2020 and takes over the role from Gráinne McGettrick who has acted as chairperson since 2018.

As with all 80:20’s Board roles, the position of chairperson is undertaken in a voluntary capacity.

Valerie has been a member of 80:20’s Board since 2019 and has been involved with 80:20 since 2012. Speaking following her appointment, Valerie said she is “honoured” to take on the role.

“I am delighted to be appointed chair of 80:20, an organisation who sees education as fundamental to human development. I look forward to working on continuing to build on the principles and values that underpin their excellent work, particularly as we navigate the current global challenges.

80:20’s commitment to highlighting human values, human rights and human dignity through active and innovative educational methods as well as building communities through education, are core standards which will continue to influence the improvements we make.

I am very grateful to our outgoing chairperson Gráinne McGettrick, whose leadership has strengthened the organisation and provided a strong foundation as we head towards the next stages of growth and progress in the development education sector.”

Valerie has over twenty years of experience in the Irish education arena at post-primary and tertiary level, working across a range of sectors including in the Global Citizenship Education section and Public Information and Communication section of Irish Aid, in the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Tony Daly, co-ordinator of 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, added:

“As someone who has been involved with 80:20 for twenty years, Gráinne’s energy, knowledge and critical engagement on issues at the interface of education, human rights and social policy has been a constant both on and off the Management Committee. I am personally grateful to Gráinne for her many contributions and interventions she made as chairperson in leading major programme innovations and governance reforms in 80:20.

Valerie’s commitment to the power of education to challenge and change the way things are to what they could be has been a hallmark of her work for many years both as a trustee of 80:20 and in her wider work in post primary education contexts in teaching, researching and policy development capacities. In this challenging period ahead, I am delighted to welcome Valerie into her new role on the Management Committee on behalf of everyone in the 80:20 community.”

Valerie is currently the Post Primary Educational Policy and Development Officer for Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) and joined the 80:20 Management Committee in 2019.  She also works with a variety of organisations, both in Ireland and at European level, developing education and training materials.

See more about 80:20’s current Management Committee here.



80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World is an Irish-based registered charity that promotes popular education on human development and human rights.

An open letter from civil society to the World Bank and its donors

80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World joined 173 civil society organizations, national education coalitions and unions, based in 63 different countries from every continent in the world in signing a public letter in support of development aid going to free, quality public education.

The letter, released on Wednesday October 15th 2019 on behalf of the signatory organisations, was handed by Zakaria Sulemana from Oxfam in Ghana to David Malpass from the World Bank at a townhall meeting during the World Bank annual meetings in Washington DC.

Read the open letter, notes and list of signatories below.

An open letter to the World Bank and its donors

We, the undersigned, urge you to ensure that development aid for education is used to support the public provision of free, quality education that benefits all without discrimination of any kind, such as discrimination based on socio-economic disadvantage, caste, gender identity, race or disability.

Education is a human right and an essential part of the global effort to achieve all the Sustainable Development Goals. When education is free, public and good quality, it eradicates poverty, decreases economic and gender inequality, builds active citizens, protects communities and the environment, and forges inclusive and stable societies. Remarkable progress in education has been made over the last twenty years in large part due to the expansion of free public education. However, many countries have struggled to mobilize sufficient financing for inclusive public education systems of good quality. Unacceptable gaps therefore remain: children in conflict and post-conflict areas, girls, children with disabilities, minorities, refugees, LGBTI+ individuals, and the poorest still lag far behind the most privileged in access to and completion of education, and in learning achievement.

Instead of responding with greater investments in public education through progressive taxation, some countries have been experimenting with allowing commercial or other private education providers to expand, believing that this is a faster, cheaper route to providing quality education. However low-fee private schools are not equally accessed by girls or the poorest children. [1] They risk excluding learners with special needs including previously out-of-school children. Studies find that the public funding of private schooling deepens inequalities in education while failing to consistently produce better learning outcomes. [2] In particular, for-profit and commercial schools often rely on poorly qualified and poorly-paid teachers to save costs; have poor transparency and accountability, and side-step important education laws and regulations, undermining a country’s ability to ensure that its educational standards apply equally for all. [3]

Some donors are now actively using public aid money to drive the commercialisation of education in lower income countries, including the World Bank Group. While most of its funding goes to support public education provision, the World Bank is also funding some market-oriented public private partnerships (PPPs) through its International Development Association (IDA), and actively advising countries to pursue PPPs and adopt reforms that reduce regulations and incentivise the growth of private ‘education markets’.[4] It has also increased its direct support to commercial private education providers through the International Finance Corporation (IFC) – including fee-charging, for-profit school chains,[5] which clearly undermine state obligations as defined in international human rights law.

Meanwhile, the European Parliament and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), the biggest multilateral fund for education, have both taken strong positions against directing their own aid funding to support commercial or for-profit education provision. The UN Human Rights Council, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and various UN Treaty Bodies have recognised the obligation to progressively secure free, public – not commercialised – education in fulfilling the right to education.[6]

These positions uphold the principle that education is a right, not a market commodity. Investing in free and inclusive public education of good quality is the best way to ensure fulfilment of SDG 4.

Donors have an important voice in how financial contributions to the World Bank Group are spent, during the ongoing IDA19 replenishment process, as well as in other education financing spaces. We call on all donors and the World Bank Group itself to take a clear and principled position in support of free, publicly provided education and against the use of development aid to fund for-profit or commercial education.

When you fund education with public aid money, make sure it supports free, quality public education!

1. ActionAid International, International
2. Amnesty International, International
3. CBM International, International
4. DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era), International
5. Defence for Children International, International
6. Disabled Peoples’ International, International
7. Education International, International
8. FICEMEA, International, International
9. GALE: The Global Alliance for LGBT Education, International
10. Gender Action, International
11. Global Campaign for Education, International
12. Global March Against Child Labour, International
13. International Disability Alliance, International
14. International Trade Union Confederation, International
15. Light for the World, International
16. Oxfam, International
17. Plan International, International
18. Right to Education Initiative, International
19. Right to Play, International
20. The Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR), International
21. The Lusophone Network for the Right to Education, International
22. The Society for International Development (SID), International
23. UN Major Group for Children and Youth – FfD/MoI Working Group, International
24. VIVAT International, International
25. VSO International, International
26. Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), Region: Africa
27. Africa Network Campaign on Education for All, ANCEFA, Region: Africa
28. NGO Forum on ADB, Region: Asia
29. Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE), Region: Asia
30. East African Centre for Human Rights, Region: East Africa
31. European Students’ Union (ESU), Region: Europe
32. Bank Information Center Europe, Region: Europe
33. Eurodad, Region: Europe
34. CLADE (Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación), Region: LAC
35. The Arab Forum for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Region: MENA
36. Arab Watch Coalition, Region: MENA
37. Arab Campaign for Education, Region: MENA
38. Afghanistan National Education Coalition (ANEC), Afghanistan
39. Albanian Coalition for Education, Albania
40. L’association Graine de paix d’Oran, Algeria
41. A Rede Angolana da Sociedade Civil de Educação para Todos, Angola
42. Communication and Education Program of National University of Cordoba, Argentina
43. Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Centre NGO, Armenia

44. RESULTS International Australia, Australia
45. The Australian Coalition for Education and Development (ACED), Australia
46. Le Miroir Vagabond, Belgium
47. Centre national de coopération au développement, CNCD-11.11.11, Belgium
48. Défense des Enfants International, Belgium
50. JEVEV ONG, Benin
51. Centre d’Actions pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et le Développement Durable, Benin
52. The Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education, Brazil
53. La Coalition pour Education Pour Tous BAFASHEBIGE, Burundi
54. Syndicats des travailleurs du Burundi STEB, Burundi
55. Cameroon Education For All Network (CEFAN), Cameroon
56. ONG Fapefe et Noula cib, Cameroon
57. RESULTS Canada, Canada
58. Rede Nacional da Campanha de Educação para Todos de Cabo Verde (RNCEPT-CV), Cape Verde
59. Coalición Colombiana por el Derecho a la Educación – CCDE, Colombia
60. Mouvement Associatif pour l’Education et l’Egalité des Chances MAEECHA, Comoros
61. TEACH Cote d’Ivoire, Cote d’Ivoire
62. Réseau Ivoirien pour la Promotion de l’Education Pour Tous, Cote d’Ivoire
63. SOLIDARITE-UNAFETPCI (Union Nationale des Formateurs de l’Enseignement
Technique et Professionnel de Côte d’Ivoire, Cote d’Ivoire
64. SYNAFETP-CI Syndicat National des Formateurs de l’enseignement Technique
et de la Formation Professionnelle, Cote d’Ivoire
65. Le Mouvement Ivoirien des Droits Humains (MIDHI), Cote d’Ivoire
66. Danish Union of Teachers (DLF), Denmark
67. Danske Studerendes Fællesråd, Denmark
68. Ghana Venskab, Denmark
69. International Aid Services (IAS), Denmark
70. The Danish Education Coalition, Denmark
71. Foro Socioeducativo de la República Dominicana, Dominican Republic
72. Guêpier d’Afrique ONG, DRC
74. Coalition Education – France, France
75. Humanité et Inclusion, France
76. Solidarité Laïque, France
77. Aide et Action, France
78. SNUipp-FSU, France
79. Syndicat général de l’Éducation nationale CFDT, France
80. Ligue des Droits de l’Homme, France
81. Zukunftskonvent, Germany
82. World Economy, Ecology & Development (Weed), Germany
83. Global Campaign for Education – Germany, Germany
84. Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand (GiB), Germany

85. Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition, Ghana
86. DebtFreeProject, Advanced Media Institute, Greece
87. Colectivo de Educacion para todas y todos de Guatemala, Guatemala
88. Regroupement Education pour Toutes et Tous (REPT), Haiti
89. El Foro Dakar, Honduras
90. LOKMITRA, India
91. Right to Education Forum, India
92. Wada Na Todo Abhiyan, India
93. Centre for Equity and Inclusion (NGO), India
94. Odisha RTE Forum, India
95. Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF), India
96. The Shikshan Mandal, India
97. Habitat and Livelihood Welfare Association, India
98. Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samuday, India
99.Iraqi Institution for Development IID, Iraq
100. 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, Ireland
101. Global Campaign for Education Italy, Italy
102. Japan NGO Network for Education (JNNE), Japan
103. Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies, Jordan
104. Jordan Coalition for Education, Jordan
105. Elimu Yetu Coalition, Kenya
106. The Lebanese Union of Persons with Physical Disabilities, Lebanon
107. Global Peace and Development Organization, Liberia
108. Coalition for Transparency and Accountability in Education – COTAE, Liberia
109. Coalition Nationale de Madagascar pour l’education pour tous (CONAMEPT), Madagascar
110. Coalition des Organisations de la Société Civile pour l’Education Pour Tous au Mali, Mali
111. l’Association pour le Développement Economique, Social, Culturel, Mauritania, Mauritania
112. The Coalition of Mauritanian Organizations for Education (COMEDUC), Mauritania
113. GSEA Mauritius, Mauritius
114. Government Teachers Union, Mauritius
115. All for Education, National CSOs coalition, Mongolia
116. Oyu Tolgoi Watch, Mongolia
117. Rivers without Boundaries Coalition, Mongolia
118. Moltaka al Osra al Maghribia, Morocco
119. Movimento de Educação Para Todos -Moçambique, Mozambique
120. National Campaign for Education Nepal (NCE Nepal), Nepal
121. Foro de Educación y Desarrollo Humano de la Iniciativa por Nicaragua (FEDH IPN), Nicaragua
122. La Coalition Nigérienne des Associations, Niger, Syndicats et ONG de Campagne EPT, Niger
123. Syndicat national des agents de la formation et de l’éducation du Niger (SYNAFEN), Niger
124. Syndicat National des Enseignants du Niger, Niger
125. Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA), Nigeria
126. SAIH – Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund, Norway
127. Social Youth Council of Patriots SYCOP, Pakistan

128. Training and Services (ARTS) Foundation, Pakistan
129. Society for Community Strengthening and Promotion of Education, Pakistan
130. Pakistan Coalition for Education, Pakistan
131. Al-Eimman Development Organization, Pakistan
132. Rural Development Organization, Pakistan
133. Youth Organization, Pakistan
134. Youth Front Pakistan, Pakistan
135. Al Kousar Welfare Organization, Pakistan
136. HWA Foundation, Pakistan
137. Pakistan Youth Change Advocates, Pakistan
138. Blue Veins, Pakistan
139. Campaña Peruana por el Derecho a la Educación, CPDE, Peru
140. Foro Educativo Peru, Peru
141. WomanHealth Philippines, Philippines
142. The Civil Society Network for Education Reforms (E-Net Philippines), Philippines
143. le Syndicat National de l’Enseignement Elémentaire (SNEEL-CNTS), Senegal
144. Community Action to Restore Lives, CARL, Sierra Leone
145. Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalización ODG, Spain
146. Educo, Spain
147. Campaña Mundial Por la Educacíon, Spain
148. Sudanese Coalition for Education For All (SCEFA), Sudan
149. Diakonia, Sweden
150. Lärarförbundet, Sweden
151. Transnational Institute, the Netherlands
152. Wemos, the Netherlands
153. Amis des Étrangers au Togo (ADET), Togo
154. La Coalition Nationale Togolaise pour l’Éducation Pour Tous (CNT/EPT), Togo
155. Association Tunisienne de Droit du Développement, Tunisia
156. La Ligue Tunisienne pour la Défense des Droits de L’Homme, Tunisia
157. Association des Amis du Belvédère, Tunisia
158. Maan, Tunisia
159. Ligue Tunisienne de l’Education, Tunisia
160. Witness Radio Organisation, Uganda
161. The Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER), Uganda
162. Jubilee Scotland, UK
163. NASUWT The Teachers’ Union, UK
164. National Education Union, UK
165. Global Justice Now, UK
166. The Bretton Woods Project, UK
167. The Equality Trust, UK
168. Send my Friend to School, UK
169. Bank Information Center (BIC), USA
170. Global Campaign for Education-US, USA

171. The Oakland Institute, USA
173. Wedyan Association For Society Development, Yemen


[1] Day Ashley L., et al. (2014) The role and impact of private schools in developing countries: a rigorous review of the evidence, DFID; Srivastava, P. (2013) “Low-fee private schooling: issues and evidence” in P. Srivastava (Ed.) Low-fee Private Schooling: aggravating equity or mitigating disadvantage? Oxford Studies in Comparative Education Series (Symposium Books, Oxford, 2013).

[2] K.M. Bous and J. Farr (2019) False Promises: How delivering education through public-private partnerships risks fueling inequality instead of achieving quality education for all. Oxfam Briefing Paper.

[3] For example see: Republic of Uganda in the High Court of Uganda at Kampala, Bridge International Academies vs. Attorney General: Ruling. March 16, 2018.; Riep, C. (2015) Omega Schools Franchise in Ghana: A case of “low-fee” private education for the poor or for-profiteering? ESP Working Paper Series; Kenya National Union of Teachers and Education International (2016) Bridge vs. Reality: A study of Bridge International Academies’ for-profit schooling in Kenya; Education International, Regulatory framework for Philippine private schools and practices in APEC schools

[4] K.M. Bous and J. Farr (2019) op.cit.

[5] Baker, T. and W. Smith (2017) From Free to Fee: Are for-profit, fee charging private schools the solution for the world’s poor? RESULTS Educational Fund.

[6] For statements by international human rights bodies, see See also the Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education, (2019) Right to education: the implementation of the right to education and Sustainable Development Goal 4 in the context of the growth of private actors in education; and the 2018 Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights on privatization and its impact on human rights,

Event Sept 29th: Food Stories at Bray Literary Festival 2019

Join us at the Bray Literary Festival 2019 in welcoming local direct provision residents to chat about food stories and food journeys, as well as sampling some food in the Harbour Bar.

When:             Sunday September 29th, 2019
Where:            The Harbour Bar, 1 Strand Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow
When:             12:00 – 13:00
Registration:  Email to register (free event)

Food connects and brings people together. It is something that all of us, no matter where we’re from, can share in and enjoy. Join participatory-based artist Katie Ceekay, 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World and Fighting Words in welcoming local direct provision residents to chat about food stories and food journeys, as well as sampling some food in the Harbour Bar.

Curated in a group setting, participants tell the story of their journey through recipes, ingredients, flavours and memory. Developed as part of a new project the recipes, stories, and the experiences will be documented and collected together in a short publication.

For more information check out the Bray Literary Festival 2019 programme online.

Featured photo © Karin Janssen 2019

In partnership with



This event is developed as part of the Let’s Talk Project supported by


Loreto Bray and 80:20 launch ‘Use Your Art to End Gender Inequality’ poster series

Press release

March 8th, 2019

Thirty-six students from the Loreto Bray Peace and Justice group, in conjunction with human rights and human development education non-governmental organisation 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, are launching a poster art series on International Women’s Day 2019 on the themes of women’s rights and ‘on this day’ historical events.

A central idea to the posters will be shared at the launch event at 1.30pm at Bray Library in Bray, Co. Wicklow by the students and project team, which speaks in celebration to past achievements in the women’s rights movement and in protest when comparing them to similar and ongoing daily struggles experienced in the lives of women and girls in today’s world.

Actions, not words; four stealth bombers greater than or equal to the annual cost of ending maternal mortality?; the gender pay gap; education and ‘the girl effect’ – a sample of some of the most important issues for girls and women raised by the group in the poster work discussions and exercises.

In developing the Use Your Art to End Gender Inequality posters the Peace and Justice group marked the centenary year of suffrage activities and commemorations as reference points for young people, particularly girls, to learn about and be inspired to act on women’s rights (and wrongs); as a reminder of and a tribute to the power of posters historically in generating conversations and interest in women’s issues and as a mirror to highlight examples of gender discrimination and violence women face every day in public life, in the labour market and at home.


Contact details: Tony Daly, co-ordinator, 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, email: or call (01) 2860487

Notes to Editors:

Participants have been involved in a range of cluster group activities over the last 17 months, including:

  • Exploring (1) centenary of women’s franchise events and debates, (2) global trends and realities of violence encountered by women every day, including the #MeToo movement, (3) a series of key international standards such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with international development targets to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity, and (4) selected case studies, such as the Rohingya crisis, through a gender lens.
  • Reviewing artwork from previous women’s rights poster campaigns over the last 100 years
  • Meeting the chair of the Vótáil 100 committee to mark the centenary of women’s suffrage in Ireland, Senator Ivana Bacik, and visiting an exhibition on women’s suffrage in the Seanad ante-room
  • Hands-on poster art making workshops and action-research ideas
  • Forging links, making visits and sharing peer learning across an informal network amongst teachers and students in Bray.

Other notes:

  • Free copies of the A3 posters are available by request. Contact
  • Research data and Use Your Art to End Gender Inequality education and poster project details are available at
  • The Peace and Justice group in Loreto Secondary School Bray is a voluntary student-led group of mixed age range of students from 13-18 years old which raises awareness of justice issues both at home in Ireland and abroad. More info:
  • International Women’s Day is the annual international UN designated day to celebrate the historical, cultural and political achievements of women and to champion the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality.

About Let’s Talk

‘Let’s Talk’ is an education and action project which involves young people discussing, debating and taking action on issues of conflict, peace, reconciliation, climate change, sustainable development and justice in Ireland and beyond.

The project has been running for over 20 years, co-ordinated by 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, and is supported by Concern Worldwide.